Delusional thinking is when someone has a fixed belief, despite it contradicting reality or rational argument.
Narcissists often delude themselves to support their grandiose self beliefs. Believing they’re better than everyone around them. And they can do no wrong.
Rather than raise their game, or accept mediocrity, narcissists bend the whole world. Distorting it to fit the picture of how great and important they believe they are.
These delusions spill into many areas of their lives. Causing some strange thoughts and behaviours. Here’s some of the common things narcissists delude themselves about…
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They Have Special Powers
Some narcissists are so grandiose, they believe they have special powers. Some go as far as to believe they can read minds, or influence others actions by their thoughts. This is no joke!
Some narcissists dabble in spirituality or religion. Not to become better people. But because they believe it gives them special powers.
They may delude themselves that God speaks through them, giving them a god-like status. They have healing powers. Or can talk to the dead.
Some narcissists believe their intuition is infallible. So if they think something, it must be true. This awards themselves the power and authority to be right about EVERYTHING. They think it, so it MUST be true.
They’re Destined For Greatness
Many narcissists believe they’re destined for greatness. Even if they make little effort to achieve anything. They believe it’s their birth right, and greatness will fall on their lap.
Some think they’ll get plucked off the street, and turned into a star. Like what happens to 0.000000001% of the population.
Others believe they’re destined for a windfall. Which is why some develop gambling problems. They repeatedly lose the shirt off their back, βknowingβ a huge jackpot is imminent.
Other narcissists make risky investments, believing they’ll come good. Even though the odds are stacked heavily against them.
I’ve known some narcissists to delude themselves into believing they’re descendants of royalty. Giving them a fix of greatness now. And the possibility their blood line will be discovered. Allowing them to one day resume their rightful place on the throne.
You’re Having An Affair
Narcissists may delude themselves into believing their partners are having an affair. There’s a few reasons why they do this.
They may be having an affair themselves. And project this onto their partners, to justify their own transgressions.
They may also convince themselves their partner is having an affair to control them. Narcissists notoriously don’t like their partner exercising freedom. So they accuse them of having an affair. Causing their partners to stay home where they belong, to appease the narcissist, and prove their innocence.
The classic example is the narcissists partner having driving lessons. Worried about the freedom this bestows, the narcissist accuses them of having an affair with the driving instructor. This justifies them stopping the driving lessons by pressure, or denying the cash.
Blame Failures On Others
The narcissist may create a fantasy where they were on the cusp of greatness. Then blame outside factors for getting in the way.
They may blame their partners for stealing their dreams. Or their children for being born. Anyone but themselves.
Once they’ve passed the blame, the narcissist can rest easy. Their mediocre life is the result of other peoples failures. Not their own.
Past Achievements
As time goes by, narcissists inflate their past achievements. With each retelling of the story, they add a little extra sauce. Until eventually they were the greatest in the history of mankind.
In their youth they may have turned out a few times for their local football team. But after a few years, they believe they had a promising professional career. Until their dreams were dashed by someone else.
This prompted us to buy my Dad a badge which read βThe older I get, the better I was!β Which to be fair, he saw the funny side of.

Many narcissists believe the wildest conspiracies. And there’s a few reasons for this.
Narcissists believe they’re superior, and know things most people don’t. Conspiracies play into this mindset, because they’re a special club that look down on the “sheep” who don’t subscribe to their beliefs.
Conspiracies also provide an excuse for narcissists who achieve little. Because they can blame the “powers that be” for holding them back.
Rewrite History
Narcissists like to rewrite history. And convince themselves and others of their alternative recollections.
If they did something bad, they may either βforgetβ this altogether. Or subtly bend the facts to make them appear right.
If they were beaten at something, they may change the script to them dominating proceedings. Or create a fictitious spanner in the works that robbed them of their deserved glory.
They Look Younger Than They Are
The narcissist may look every bit their age, through years of excessive living. But firmly believe they look 20 years younger. And this can cause them to fall for scams.
The narcissist doesn’t question why a model in their 20’s would fly half way across the globe to marry their ageing sagging self. And happily stump up the air fare and other expenses.
Wealthy narcissists may be bled dry by younger gold diggers. Refusing to accept they’re only with them for the money.
Many narcissists resort to cosmetic surgery to support their delusions. And believe they look great, despite looking like lizards that have taken a battering.
Believe Their Problems Will Sort Themselves Out
Narcissists often delude themselves into believing their problems will magically solve themselves. And bury their heads in the sand.
Narcissists don’t like taking responsibility for things such as bills, debts, housework etc. Preferring to kid themselves they’ll sort themselves out. But sometimes they’re right.
Well meaning friends and family see the pickle they’re in, and help out. Which means the narcissist learns nothing. And repeats the same mistakes, over and over.
Believing the universe revolves around you can cause paranoia. At one time my Dad believed the Government listened to him through the TV. So he would switch it off when he wanted to talk privately.
He never considered that governments have better things to do than listen to him sitting in his living room, watching Coronation Street on TV.
Narcissists believe the outside world considers them as important as they consider themselves. And their grandiose thinking causes some to believe that governments, spies, police, etc. are interested in what they’re up to. And stalk them for information.
Minor Disputes
Some narcissists believe their minor disputes are HUGE affairs. And think their petty workplace squabbles should go straight to the CEO. Or their grievance with their local authority deserves Government intervention.
Narcissists delude themselves into believing they’re important. And deserve the attention of other important people.
If they have a grievance, then it’s the biggest injustice in the history of mankind. And must go to the highest office. Because they deserve nothing less.
Nothings Their Fault
Narcissists delude themselves into thinking nothing’s their fault. They may blame loved ones if they do something wrong. Or kick and bang inanimate objects, implying they’re at fault. Anything but accept blame.
They may drop something on the floor, and blame you for being in the same room. Or lose their car keys, blaming others for distracting them.
Some narcissists suffer because of the pressure of not accepting fault. It’s often easier to hold your hands up and admit mistakes. But narcissists consider this a weakness.
Instead they cling to the belief that it couldn’t possibly be them, so it must be someone else. Causing conflict, stress, and misery to themselves and those around them.

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Why Narcissists Don’t Give Straight Answers
I am amazed how much I am capable of causing him to do. It’s my fault he sits and watches me do absolutely everything. It’s my fault he is fat. It’s a all my fault. I can’t believe that the neighbors don’t see something wrong with him sitting on his phone watching me do everything. I am a crazy woman who doesn’t know what reality is. But he cares about me. But denies me medical attention. Also has life insurance on me. In my eyes he is a murderer and one that will get away with it. We have been together way too long. I am thankful for moving back to the same town as my family or I would have never realized what he was doing. The most important thing to remember is that if you are afraid to be happy, get out.
Very true Connie. It’s also a red flag if you’re afraid to be yourself. I hope your situation improves soon.
Thank you Jon it can only get brighter