It’s rarely discussed, but narcissistic relationships can leave people with gut issues. Which then leads to a whole array of other physical and mental issues. As well as digesting your…

The Hidden Costs Of Narcissists In Your Life
Let’s face it, narcissists are takers. They approach relationships with one main goal – to take as much as they can. Narcissists aren’t interested in equal relationships. They want to…

How Narcissists Test Your Boundaries
Narcissists notoriously test boundaries. And there’s a simple reason why… In relationships, narcissists want to use and abuse as much as possible. They aspire to take as much as they…

How Echoism Turns You Into A Narcissist Magnet
Have you spent your life attracting narcissists? When one narcissist leaves your life, does another replace them? Some people go through life without experiencing the delights of narcissists. Whereas others…

Why Narcissists Stare At You
Have you experienced a narcissist stare? Perhaps they stared intensely during conversations. Or their eyes followed you round the room, for no apparent reason. Or they stared expectantly, as if…

How Narcissists Use Double Binds Against You
Imagine being stuck in a position where anything you do is wrong. No matter what choice you make. Pretty frustrating, right? Unfortunately, this is what many narcissists do to people….

What Is A Narcissistic Collapse?
As you probably know, narcissists need huge amounts of attention and validation. Which is also known as narcissistic supply. This bolsters their delusions of superiority, and props up their false…

What Narcissists Say To Win You Back
If you leave a narcissist, it may not be the last you hear from them. Especially if they haven’t found your replacement. Most narcissists HAVE to be in a relationship….

How Narcissists Avoid Accountability
Accountability is about taking responsibility for your actions. It helps us live harmoniously with others. Because it allows us to see the error of our ways. And make adjustments to…

How “Toxic Empathy” Plays Into Narcissists Hands
We’re taught that empathy is good. And for the most part it is. Empathy is putting yourself in other peoples shoes. It encourages people to grow and mature, as they…