Comments on: What Narcissists Tell Lies About A Blog About Narcissists And Narcissism! Tue, 16 Apr 2024 14:51:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kailey Gran Mon, 15 Jun 2020 08:42:55 +0000 Sign me up

By: Gerry Rigley Thu, 11 Jun 2020 17:48:39 +0000 my ex spent a whole year before running off to be with her new victim that she had met on one of her online dating sites (plural!!) she totally destroyed me by telling our friends and acquaintances that she had to leave because I was so violent and abusive and she was afraid I might go too far one day, by nature I am a pacifist and cannot confront, a brilliant victim for a narcissist, they can walk all over you without argument, I am now in a constant state of depression and suffering from PTSD, she also stole over £300.000 from my bank account and has actually stated in court that I was the one who stole all of her money, she did have a single penny in her bank when I met her, I could write another 20 pages and not cover half of her lies and scams. Evil, nearly explains her.

By: JonRhodes Sat, 06 Jun 2020 19:24:27 +0000 In reply to Diana.

Unfortunately Diana I’ve heard many tales of narcissists lashing out when they know someone is on to them. A “smear campaign” to make you lose credibility. They hope that by taking your credibility, no one believes what you say about them.

Most narcissists live in fear of being exposed. They know nobody would go near them if they knew what they were really like. So they usually either smear, or run and hide.

By: Diana Fri, 05 Jun 2020 19:51:22 +0000 My ex-path well it’s hard to say where one lie ended and the next one began. I’m still reeling from the absolute mind *****ery that occurred at the whim of his fancy. He Contacted my employer in a fit of rage because I began to be on to his game and threatened to go public with it. I didn’t find out until just about a month before I was fired. A long time friend of his somehow I made contact with this person whilst trying to come to a point of closure or trying to wrap my head around what the hell was going on He had left to Oregon to go see if his ex was still waiting on him. Don’t know how I knew that’s where he went. I just did. And it was confirmed. Well when I ended up getting in touch with this person he said wow your aren’t anything like he made you out to be. Went on to say there’s something I should tell you and he him hawed his way around it until I finally said just tell me. Tell me what it is your beating around the bush about. Well my ex straight told him he did this discrediting me thing at work. While there was this male Lp manager newly promoted with some misogynistic issues and basically was making my life a living hell because I expected consistency from someone that is supposed to be a support person. I was manager of a big box pharmacy. In a very high crime area and was making leaps and bounds by controlling the controllables. Took shrink from 10.1% to 1.7%. But this regional Lp manager was more about how he was so Much more efficient and vegan holding me to rules that he basically was making up as he went along. Me having no idea that m ex had already been disparaging me and concocting complete false stories. Well in any event they got me on not recording my time correctly. I was a salaried manager for 9 years and California Hd just begun to have us punch a clock and it was widely known that we just weren’t used to it. And I was working long long hours. But not recording them as such. There was no payroll budget for that And we were salaried. So they said falsified time sheet. Bs. I should have sued the company but it was like I was already in chaos with this scum of the earth. Who when he came back around he was appalled I would believe he would do such a terrible thing. I mean he went on and on and so in spite of knowing better I swept it under the rug. Mind you it still pisses me off. My daughter Hd been diagnosed with a pituitary tumor and was going through all Of these medical appointment then my insurance stopped. I still see red now when I think about how absolutely ruthless a psychopath is. And how they have zero conscience about anything they do. The lies. My gosh. I could go on and on because as we all know. They are liars. Period. They have little reason to be truthful. That would just shatter their world. Their delicate make believe world where they are just innocent victims and were so trying to help us but we just couldn’t be helped

By: Charlie McFarland Fri, 05 Jun 2020 02:43:27 +0000 All the jagged edges it just disappear.
Why did they get all the love in the world because they would cut someone’s throat to give it and keep it as long as it measured up 2/3 twisted standards expectations yes I pulled two of those lines out of Trent reznor song who seems to always describe human concept of feelings and exacerbation of them with precision it is unmatched… JJ

By: Connie Thu, 04 Jun 2020 21:09:01 +0000 This is so important for people to understand. It happens daily
