Comments on: What’s It Like Being Friends With A Narcissist? A Blog About Narcissists And Narcissism! Tue, 16 Apr 2024 14:54:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: JonRhodes Wed, 03 Jun 2020 10:18:14 +0000 In reply to Jes.

Might as well be as positive as you can be Jes!

By: JonRhodes Wed, 03 Jun 2020 10:16:31 +0000 In reply to N/A.

Lucky you got away!

By: Jes Fri, 29 May 2020 14:18:15 +0000 I’ve had friends throughout the years that were like this and had found myself in an intimate relationship with a narc. They are awful but there are varying degrees of it. I appreciate the humor at the end because in the end no matter how much THEY ‘ruined’ your life—- it always comes back to you letting them. So no matter how crabby anyone gets about how terrible and what kind of damage narcs do— you need to realize your part in it and learn and move on! Pick up the pieces and be positive and start living again. I had a narc obliterate my social circle as well as my finances but I’ve honestly never been happier than knowing what I know now— and that’s my own value 🙂

By: C J Fri, 29 May 2020 13:02:40 +0000 In reply to Veronica V.

Wait. I’m sorry… But where are you reading these things you mention? The very first paragraph says because so much is written regarding narcissism and romantic relationships, the author is looking at and addressing a different angle of the narcissist, which is how they treat their friends. Personally, I’ve been terrorized and ruined by one of the narcissists in my life, my romantic partner. I was desperate, homeless, lost my job, in serious debt, isolated, shunned, gossiped about, and at my wits’ end to the point that I had started doing things to harm myself. It scared me because I had never done anything like that before, but I was driven to that point. I finally left our 5 year relationship and was able resist all the antics and tricks used to lure me back into it. We all have the experiences and stories of terror and ruin at the hands of our narcissists. So, I am one whose life has been ruined, and I am not at all offended by this article. In fact, it has helped me and given me insight into the behaviors of the other narcissist in my life, a close friend.

At this point, I have read the article several times, and nowhere in this article does the author suggest or imply that there is no problem with the behavior of narcissists so long as you can get something out of them. Nowhere. He very clearly states and breaks down 12 different things that are problems with the behaviors of narcissists in relation to their friendships. Even in the final section, the author does not imply there is nothing wrong with their behaviors. “They often make things happen, because they’re easily bored…even if it’s for selfish reasons.” This is true from my experiences with both my romantic partner and close friend. “Narcisissts can be fun, charismatic, and charming.” Also true, which is how they lure us in, in the first place. “Narcissists pushy nature also has it’s positives. It can encourage you to try new things you wouldn’t normally try.” This is also true of my experiences, and all these things I would consider positive things.

The author is not generalizing them to say this happens because the narcissists are good natured or we should manipulate and intentionally get something out of the narcissists to; he is saying these things can happen, even though the motivation behind them are selfishness and self-absorption on the part of the narcissists. It’s like one of those old sayings my grandmother used to say all the time: What was meant for evil, God uses for good. So, even though they constantly did / do evil things to us, and around us, and about us, sometimes positive things happen to come from them. This does not diminish or downplay their evil behaviors of abuse, lies, deceit, manipulation, cheating, and disregard for everything in life except for themselves, and it does not it mean we forgive and forget the terror and ruin they caused. The author is just shining light on a different perspective, which I find in my own experiences to be true.

Although I, or others, might have chosen a different way to conclude this article, there is still no implication of what you inferred. And I think it is very unfair to the author to insist that he is suggesting and implying something which he clearly is not. It is also unfair to others like me, who have also been terrorized and ruined, who gained insight and tools to combat the antics of our narcissist friends from this article. This is simply a different perspective–looking at a different side of the same coin.

By: Brina Fri, 29 May 2020 07:54:02 +0000 This is totally a lot of former “friends” I used to have.

By: N/A Thu, 28 May 2020 01:23:36 +0000 In reply to JonRhodes.

I agree I was terrorize by the person I was married to he didn’t have any friends and the ones that I had he chased away along with my family totally isolating me from anyone. Finally moving 3 times and after 5 years so he doesn’t find me he is finally filing for divorce the marriage only lasted 6 months. A friend saved me from that disaster I honestly believe she saved my life. Anonymous

By: JonRhodes Wed, 27 May 2020 09:09:14 +0000 In reply to Veronica V.

No Veronica, I’m not saying there’s no problem with their behaviour. I’ve mentioned MANY problems with their behaviour in this article!

By: Veronica V Tue, 26 May 2020 12:26:43 +0000 ‘a blessing and a curse’ are you serious?? This is absolutely stunningly ignorant of the damage narcissists can do in people’s lives , this article is deeply offensive to those whose lives have been ruined, you’re basically saying there is no problem with their behaviour so long as you yourself get something out of them?? Isn’t that a narcissistic approach for God’s sake? Terrible article, a piece of fluff

By: Conner Wood Mon, 25 May 2020 15:39:10 +0000 Eventually the Narcissists toxicity comes out no matter how good you are to them. They are a problem. They have a problem for every solution. They need to be in control. Yes, you get to tag along as a follower, but don’t dare break rule #1 – Outshine the Master.
