Comments on: Narcissists Subtle Insults A Blog About Narcissists And Narcissism! Thu, 18 Apr 2024 14:45:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: JonRhodes Sat, 09 May 2020 11:35:05 +0000 In reply to Charlie.

Thing is Charlie, if you’ve explained that certain things hurt you and he just argues against them, then he doesn’t care about your feelings. Anyone can be clumsy and get things wrong, but to argue back shows a lack of respect.

By: Charlie Wed, 06 May 2020 16:25:03 +0000 Trying to find reality is something I struggle with my whole life after growing up with narcissists. They negate all your feelings and perceptions and all of reality so nothing has meaning and you have no sense of direction. Feels like you can’t feel anything and you don’t know why you do anything. Your self and life are completely negated.

About subtle put-downs, my friend does everything in this article. He’s has signs of schizoid and Asperger’s but does a few of the same things as narcissists. Claims his insults and “jokes” are banter and I’ve argued with him a million times but it never stops. It seemed to me he just enjoys it in a sadistic sense or to make himself feel superior because the jokes aren’t funny or clever. There’s no point to them. He respects me in some ways but in others has no concept of respect. He just overrides my feelings like a little kid that thinks you’re being silly and won’t give any gravity or seriousness to how you feel. (Of course he’ll imply there’s something wrong with me and I should just be more apathetic like him.) I figured he is just genuinely incapable of knowing how to assign meanings and emotions to things since he doesn’t have much emotion and maybe doesn’t understand.

By: Linda Dann Mon, 27 Apr 2020 19:02:54 +0000 My late husband was a psychiatrist and well-regarded in his field. He also had many behaviors that ‘hurt’ those who loved him. Lateness, failure- almost constant to carry through plans that were pleasing and anticipated by others. One day we were on a long distance car ride- I forget how the subject began but I mentioned that his responses were narcisisstic. He said-” I could never be accused of being narcissitic because I LOATHE myself.”
I replied that having such intense reactions of perceived imperfections of self was in itself narcissistic.
For once he failed to arguue!

Within the above it is also important to recognize that the definition of Narcissisim has greatly expanded and impacted other behavioral and psychiatric disorders over the years. I hope that within the future we will be able to differentiate and improve not only diagnostics (which ought to remain professional) but also the lay person’s application, protection and comprehension.

Some of what has been cited above may be easier to confront and comprehend under a different umbrella. Too much is now attributable to NPD. It blurs human interactions.

We are all at times hostile and cutting- however as the article states- it is when a person ‘knows’ that they have injured another and continue to apply the style or insult elsewhere and again, that the pathology becomes truly evident.

By: JonRhodes Mon, 27 Apr 2020 18:58:45 +0000 In reply to Conner Wood.

I’ve not heard of “dog whistling” Conner?

By: Conner Wood Mon, 27 Apr 2020 18:18:06 +0000 “Putting themselves down” is one way to accomplish the tactic known as dog whistling.
